Pregnancy 2nd + 3rd Trimester Bracelet

Description: Dream Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Nephrite Jade, Unakite, Red Jasper, Lotus Charm
Dream Amethyst: To ease nausea, soothe cramps, stress relief. Amethyst boosts the production of hormones and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands to optimum performance. It supports oxygenation in the blood, and aids in treatments of the digestive tract, heart, stomach, and skin. Amethyst also strengthens the immune system and reduces bruising, pain and swellings. Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be hot-headed and easily angered.
Called the “All-healer,” Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people. Referred to as “nature’s tranquilizer,” Amethyst calms and soothes, assisting the transmission of neural signals through the brain. It relieves obsessive compulsive disorder and hyperactivity in children. It is a stone dedicated to curbing overindulgence and bad habits, and is an excellent aid to quitting smoking, drinking and drug use, as well as unhealthy physical passion.
Rose Quartz: Desirable to make a healthy pregnancy, inspire trust and bonding between mother and baby. The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm. Pink Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart. Rose Quartz also balances the yin-yang energy and can bring all the other chakras into harmony and unity with the Heart. Rose Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, excellent for use in trauma or crisis, including the emotional upheaval of mid-life crisis.
Lapis Lazuli: Provides a reassuring energy to boost mother’s confidence and emotional stability. As a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli recognizes psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source. Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. It is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. Lapis Lazuli is beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal cords. Lapis Lazuli relieves general pain, inflammations, and is especially effective against migraine headaches. Enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm. It reduces vertigo and lowers blood pressure and is thought to alleviate insomnia. Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. It is a visionary stone, bringing information to the mind in images rather than words. It can be a catalyst for higher awareness.
Citrine: Releases anger. Physically assists with gas, constipation, and spasms. Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. It is one of only two crystals on Earth that never needs to be cleared or cleansed. Citrine is a transparent, yellow variety of Quartz, ranging in color from pale to golden yellow, honey or almost brown, and may contain rainbow or sparkle inclusions. A stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good. It is a fortifying crystal for medical personnel and healers.
Natural Citrine enhances physical stamina and energy, supports the endocrine system, and encourages proper metabolism. Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations. Natural Citrine is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. Worn, carried, or used in crystal healing, the radiant yellow color will increase the amount of light surrounding the body and protect the aura. It is also a good talisman to have in situations where one needs to feel confident and secure.
Nephrite Jade: Assists mother with kidneys, and is a powerful cleansing health stone. Nephrite is from the Greek word nephros, the kidney. The name and character of Jade is associated with many cultures, all referring to its reputed medicinal property of curing calculus stones and disorders of the kidneys or bladder. Yu-Stone to the ancient Chinese. Jade is a powerful cleansing stone, enhancing the body's filtration and elimination organs. Jade is the stone of calm in the midst of storm. Its action balances nerves and soothes cardiac rhythm. A piece of Jade kept in a pocket or on a pendant to stroke from time to time recharges energy, and traditionally guards against illness. s a travel stone, Green Jade prevents illness while on holiday, is beneficial for those traveling alone, and protects children and pets from straying or being hurt while on a journey. As a professional support stone, Jade aids doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and all healers in making practical diagnosis and in their applications. It is a support stone for educators. Jade is a "dream stone," releasing negative thoughts and irritability and soothing the mind. Jade provides confidence and self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Jade in all forms has always represented nobility, not only of rank, but of ideals.
Unakite: This stone prepares and helps mother to the transition to the labor stage at the correct time. During pregnancy a piece of Unakite on the womb helps parents-to-be make spiritual connection with their unborn baby; it is marvelous for use during labor to ease the transition. Unakite Jasper brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature’s most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body. Unakite Jasper is also called Epidote, for its main component deriving its name from the Greek epidosis meaning “growing together.” It encourages harmonious partnerships, both in love and in business. Unakite Jasper is superb for healing and nurturing the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness or hospitalization. Its Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality, while helping one to understand and endure these frustrating or painful experiences. Unakite Jasper is a remarkable talisman for cutting down or quitting smoking, and for overcoming other long-standing addictions such as overeating or the over-consumption of alcohol or drugs. Over time, it removes harmful toxins and energies from the system on a deep cellular level, and helps release emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior. Unakite Jasper helps promote the growth of healthy tissue in general and is particularly useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism. It is also considered highly restorative in cases of tissue deterioration and in treating diseases or cancers of these areas. Unakite Jasper aids the reproductive system, promoting healthy pregnancy and stimulating weight gain where required. It is believed to be good for breathing irregularities, hyperventilation, and helps ease the transition in labor. Unakite attunes to the earth and provides a slow, steady source of energy for healing and renewal. It not only supports the physical structure of the heart, but gently gets to the root cause of disease or health issues caused by the emotional heart, particularly deep-seated feelings that have been repressed, such as anger and resentment. Habitual internalization of these emotions creates standing patterns of energy within the body. Unakite brings these wounds to the surface in a way that avoids any new trauma and ameliorates their release slowly and gently, consistently over time, along with the negative thoughts and toxic behaviors that perpetuate them. Healing the wounded self and learning to navigate challenging situations with consciousness and ease allows one to enjoy healthy relationships through balanced emotions. Green Unakite Jasper is a “growth crystal” - a powerful conduit of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. It is a potent aid in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or a new business venture.
Red Jasper: Should always be worn throughout full pregnancy. Helps to ensure strong fetus and ease of labor. Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. A valuable stone of protection, Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Red Jasper’s healing energy works slowly and steadily to help with overall healing. Because of this, it is invaluable to have nearby when dealing with a prolonged illness. It can stabilize the circulatory system and help leverage blood disorders such as anemia. It is even believed that Red Jasper can stall wounds. Energy tends to centralize itself around the lower abdomen and pelvic area, and by extension can help with kidney and bladder disorders.
Lotus Charm: The Lotus flower symbolizes growth, love and birth. A potent symbol of fertility.
Please note: This Information is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.