Nursing Bracelet I with Magnetic Clasp
Commonly Believed Holistic Properties _____________________________
Botswana Agate: Botswana Agate is both protective and considered especially lucky. It is comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieve a loss. Its quiet energy is particularly centering in meditation, and as a fortification Agate, it supports love and the strength to look for solutions rather than dwelling on difficulties. Botswana Agate is called the Sunset Stone because it retains sunlight and comforts people through dark, lonely nights. Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. Botswana Agate encourages treating the underlying causes of illness rather than the symptoms. It may be used to treat depression and stress, and relieve sexual dysfunctions in both sexes. Botswana Agate is beneficial in ridding the body of toxins and is believed to be good for the skin. Botswana Agate is a comfort stone, beneficial in overcoming depression, and strengthening during a grieving process. It helps alleviate obsessive thoughts and destructive mental patterns, and assists in overcoming fears, such as agoraphobia and panic attacks in crowded places. A crystal of possibility and hope, Botswana Agate encourages artistic expression and exploration of the unknown, while still maintaining logic and attention to detail that brings projects and ventures into reality.
Mookaite: It is a bolstering stone that calms and lends you a hand during your stress times and brings feeling of righteousness in you. It nourishes versatility in you and helps you to accept changes around you. It imparts you a proper envision and reinforces your mental stability to determine all possibilities of certain circumstance and choose the optimum one. Mookaite is a stabilizing stone associated with calm energy. This calm energy helps to boost the immune system, which in turn helps to slow the rate of aging. A calm and stable mind allows us to examine and release negative energies and helps us to get in tune with our inner confidence. Spiritually speaking, mookaite stimulates the second chakra (sacral), which helps to boost intuition. A rare stone, it’s only found in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia in the outcroppings of Mooka creek.
Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz is known as a Stone of Power. Smoky Quartz’s phenomenal power lies in its ability to protect and ground one physically and spiritually to this world, and to absorb and transmute significant amounts of negative energy and release it into the Earth to be neutralized naturally. It provides a vital shield against psychic attack, emotional and environmental stress, and is used extensively in healing and meditation. Hold Smoky Quartz to relieve tension and stress, anxiety, or panic attacks; to ward off negative thinking, and to eliminate worry and doubt when faced with chaos or confusion. Wear or carry Smoky Quartz to enhance survival instincts, and for assistance in reaching personal and business goals, as well as manifesting dreams and ideas into reality. This crystal promotes rational, pragmatic thought processes and improves calculation and organization. It increases focus and may be used in group situations to alleviate communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation. Because Smoky Quartz is naturally irradiated, it draws upon those frequencies to counter negative effects of radiation, including sunburn, exposure to radioactive materials, medical radiation and chemotherapy. It has also been used to relieve chronic pain, muscle cramps, headaches and tension of the shoulders and back. Like other forms of Quartz, Smoky Quartz may be used in treatments of the adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys and other organs of elimination to energetically remove toxins from the body. It is believed to help regulate fluids within the body and the assimilation of minerals. Smoky Quartz allows one to attune to the light instead of being consumed by life. Rather than merely surfacing negative energies and emotional blockages, this crystal gently dissolves these energies as it encounters them, allowing positive frequencies to take their place. It relieves fear, stress, anger and unspoken resentment, lifts depression and fatigue, and teaches one how to let go of what is no longer necessary for growth. It is a good stone for those who tend to be suicidal in nature or ambivalent about being in incarnation, by helping them come to terms with their physical body, their life and the world around them. Smoky Quartz utilizes various shades of black to deepen our connection to the physical, natural world. It brings power and strength, relieving fears specifically associated with the physical existence here on Earth. Black crystals offer protection and a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies.
Shungite: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, reduce pain and stress, protection against electrosmog. Balances telluric energies, induces recovery and speeds up the process of healing, absorbs negative energies, increases spiritual growth. Paired with carnelian harmonizers to boost creativity. Effective way to restore lost energy. Powerful protective stone - shields the wearer from negative energies of all kinds, including psychic protection. Normalizes sleep. Shungite should always be worn on the left side of the body; this is because energies enter our aura through the left side. Shungite is a must-have for anyone working in healing professions. Those working with sick or mentally ill people will benefit as these people literally “suck” energy from you, if you are not protected. Hospitals are not the only places with negative energies - stressful environments and all workplaces are full of energies that you don’t want to bring home with you. We are in constant contact with other people and their energies, especially in the workplace and the protective properties of Shungite does wonders in keeping you balanced, grounded, and free from picking up negative or unwanted energies from the environment. EMF Protection—we are bombarded by Wi-Fi and electromagnetic frequencies 24/7, these disrupt our energetic field and negatively affect the cells in our body; leaving us feeling drained, frazzled and out of balance. Shungite has been proven to neutralize EMFs. A unique property of shungite is its conductivity. It is attributed to the carbon nanoclusters in this stone. In its purest form, shungite is known to possess a very high conductivity. In fact, this property is the test to distinguish an authentic shungite from a fake one.
The fullerene content of shungite is where its healing properties come from. It is believed to be a miracle stone that can help in the treatment of physical health ailments, boost mental health, and induce positive energy. Fullerenes are powerful and long-acting antioxidants. Antioxidants react with free radicals and stop the chain reactions that can lead to cell damage and degenerative diseases. Fullerenes help normalize cell metabolism, increase enzyme activity, give stability to cells, and boost the regenerative capacity of body tissues. Shungite, being a rich source of fullerenes, offers these health benefits to the individual using it. Use shungite with carnelian harmonizers to boost creativity, with tiger's eye harmonizers to gain confidence, with selenite harmonizers to promote mental peace, and with fluorite harmonizers to strike a balance between the brain hemispheres. To aid intellectual work in an office space or study, rock crystals or fluorite could be used in combination with shungite. This combination is suited for an environment where mental stimulation is needed. According to Regina Martino, a geobiologist and an expert in bioenergetics, shungite could be used to control hyperactivity in children by having them wear shungite pendants or giving them shungite water in small doses. Similarly, shungite pendants or belts could be worn by the elderly who experience pain due to arthritis or aging. Shungite could be used to fight the fatigue experienced during long journeys.
Lava: Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger. Lava is known for its grounding qualities, it’s wonderful for calming the emotions. Lava stones are fantastic for stabilizing and grounding the root chakra. This is because of the strong connection to the earth and its creation within the center of Earth. In folk remedies, it was also given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle. Most people use these lava stone bracelet benefits for their anxiety and mood swings, lava rock beads really help each person ground themselves and control their excessive thinking. It’s believed that wearing an authentic black lava stone bracelet will allow the wearer to access energy freely, allowing a clear flow and use of lava stone healing to nurture themselves physically as well as spiritually. Rebirth. Stabilizing. Inner Calmness.
Carnelian: Orange stones, especially the carnelians, are excellent aids for training, coordination of physical exercise programs, and for balancing body energy levels. Carnelians boost a listless attitude and can stimulate the appetite. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations. Carnelian is full of the life force, stimulating metabolism and a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues. It benefits in the absorption of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in the small intestine, and improves blood viscosity and circulation. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. Orange Carnelian brings joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing stone, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. In addition to good luck, carnelian meaning includes protection from negative energy and poverty. The orange mineral rock is said to help reduce excessive pressures from co-workers and supervisors with unrealistic demands.
Peridot: A stone of transformation, Peridot is excellent for use in recovery from tobacco or inhalant dependencies, as well as other addictions. More importantly, it is a wounded healer stone, serving as a vital guide in facilitating healing processes that help others going through what you have already overcome. It is considered very effective in amplifying Reiki energies. Peridot is ideal for discharging emotional issues that affect the physical body. Wear Peridot as a talisman of luck and as a sun stone to prevent personal darkness. It adds charm and eloquence to your presentations, evokes a positive, helpful response from normally unhelpful people, and increases profit in trades. It is naturally protective against envy, gossip behind your back, and people who would deceive you. Peridot assists in balancing the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands, which govern the health of the physical body, and acts a s a tonic to liven the entire system making it healthier, stronger and more radiant. Peridot is an extraordinary crystal for healing the emotional body and resolving matters of the heart. It cleanses and heals hurt feelings and “bruised egos,” lessening anger, jealousy, resentment and spite, while teaching one to understand that holding onto people, or the past, is counterproductive to one’s growth. Peridot carries a beautiful green energy that activates the Heart Chakra, located near the center of the breastbone. Peridot is a crystal of positive power, a talisman for recognizing and honoring the Creator’s frequency of Love, the source of all abundance.
Nephrite Jade: Nephrite is from the Greek word nephros, the kidney. The name and character of Jade is associated with many cultures, all referring to its reputed medicinal property of curing calculus stones and disorders of the kidneys or bladder. Yu-Stone to the ancient Chinese. Jade is a powerful cleansing stone, enhancing the body's filtration and elimination organs. Jade is the stone of calm in the midst of storm. Its action balances nerves and soothes cardiac rhythm. A piece of Jade kept in a pocket or on a pendant to stroke from time to time recharges energy, and traditionally guards against illness. s a travel stone, Green Jade prevents illness while on holiday, is beneficial for those traveling alone, and protects children and pets from straying or being hurt while on a journey. As a professional support stone, Jade aids doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and all healers in making practical diagnosis and in their applications. It is a support stone for educators. Jade is a "dream stone," releasing negative thoughts and irritability and soothing the mind. Jade provides confidence and self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Jade in all forms has always represented nobility, not only of rank, but of ideals.
Please note: This Information is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.