Ladies Strong Protective Bracelet
Commonly Believed Holistic Properties _____________________________
Tiger Eye: Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared - an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything. Linked to the magical tiger, the king of beasts in Eastern mythology, Tiger’s Eye portrayed courage, integrity and right use of power. Roman soldiers carried it to deflect weapons and to be brave in battle. It has been highly regarded throughout history as a stone of prosperity and good fortune, protecting one’s resources and reflecting back malice or threats from others. Keep Tiger’s Eye as a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future. Draw on Tiger’s Eye to boost will power, emotional stability and energy levels when working through lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. It brings focus and stability, enabling one to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion. Tiger’s Eye is ideal for those who are spaced out and uncommitted to find purpose; for those who find it difficult to remain optimistic, it stimulates hope and confidence for the future.
Shungite: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, reduce pain and stress, protection against electrosmog. Balances telluric energies, induces recovery and speeds up the process of healing, absorbs negative energies, increases spiritual growth. Paired with carnelian harmonizers to boost creativity. Effective way to restore lost energy. Powerful protective stone - shields the wearer from negative energies of all kinds, including psychic protection. Normalizes sleep. Shungite should always be worn on the left side of the body; this is because energies enter our aura through the left side. Shungite is a must-have for anyone working in healing professions. Those working with sick or mentally ill people will benefit as these people literally “suck” energy from you, if you are not protected. Hospitals are not the only places with negative energies - stressful environments and all workplaces are full of energies that you don’t want to bring home with you. We are in constant contact with other people and their energies, especially in the workplace and the protective properties of Shungite does wonders in keeping you balanced, grounded, and free from picking up negative or unwanted energies from the environment. EMF Protection—we are bombarded by wifi and electromagnetic frequencies 24/7, these disrupt our energetic field and negatively affect the cells in our body; leaving us feeling drained, frazzled and out of balance. Shungite has been proven to neutralize EMFs. A unique property of shungite is its conductivity. It is attributed to the carbon nanoclusters in this stone. In its purest form, shungite is known to possess a very high conductivity. In fact, this property is the test to distinguish an authentic shungite from a fake one.
The fullerene content of shungite is where its healing properties come from. It is believed to be a miracle stone that can help in the treatment of physical health ailments, boost mental health, and induce positive energy. Fullerenes are powerful and long-acting antioxidants. Antioxidants react with free radicals and stop the chain reactions that can lead to cell damage and degenerative diseases. Fullerenes help normalize cell metabolism, increase enzyme activity, give stability to cells, and boost the regenerative capacity of body tissues. Shungite, being a rich source of fullerenes, offers these health benefits to the individual using it. Use shungite with carnelian harmonizers to boost creativity, with tiger's eye harmonizers to gain confidence, with selenite harmonizers to promote mental peace, and with fluorite harmonizers to strike a balance between the brain hemispheres. To aid intellectual work in an office space or study, rock crystals or fluorite could be used in combination with shungite. This combination is suited for an environment where mental stimulation is needed. According to Regina Martino, a geobiologist and an expert in bioenergetics, shungite could be used to control hyperactivity in children by having them wear shungite pendants or giving them shungite water in small doses. Similarly, shungite pendants or belts could be worn by the elderly who experience pain due to arthritis or aging. Shungite could be used to fight the fatigue experienced during long journeys.
Onyx: A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Black Onyx fosters wise decision-making. The noble Onyx is a most ancient stone, known and utilized by even the earliest civilizations for its powerful energy and somber beauty. A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Black Onyx fosters wise decision-making. Use Black Onyx to encourage happiness and good fortune. Black Onyx is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for self-discipline issues. It aids the retention of energies rather than allowing them to dissipate, enabling one to build up vigor and vitality, stamina, and focus. Onyx boosts self-confidence and assertion while bringing reason to passion, and is an excellent stone to carry into conflict situations where a cool head is needed.
Clear Quartz: Clear quartz meaning is partially based in the belief that it is the "supreme gift of Mother Earth." It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals. Clear quartz powers may improve the circulatory and immune system with enhanced energy flow and improved balance within the physical body, benefits which support clear quartz meaning. Migraine headaches, motion sickness and vertigo have been treated with clear quartz. It may also improve metabolism, help with weight loss and alleviate exhaustion, balancing clear quartz benefits denoted in clear quartz meaning. Energy levels are increased, thought processes are improved and clarified. Emotional healing properties of clear quartz dispel feelings of negativity while encouraging positive feelings and thoughts.
Black agate: Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels. Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma. Used on general Eye disorders, black agate possesses the power to heal hollow organs including the ocular cavity. Rubbing black agate over your eyelids softly channels a healing vibration improves vision by cooling down your eye nerves.
Obsidian: Black Obsidian carries the inherent frequency of protection, sealing the aura and removing energetic attachments, hooks and cords, as well as eliminating negative energies within the self and one’s environment. Considered a very personal stone of protection, Obsidian is generally bought, kept and worn by one person only. It is a marvelous talisman to shield gentle souls and those who are highly sensitive. Wear as jewelry or carry to keep others from offloading their problems onto you or making excessive demands on your time. It is thought to relieve stress, ease tension in the muscles, and improve circulation and artery health. It accelerates the healing of wounds, bruises and sprains, and assists with pain relief.
Black Tourmaline: Black Tourmaline is also a powerful grounding stone, electrical in nature, providing a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centers of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments or when facing difficult circumstances. Stimulates the reflex points associated with the lower back, legs, ankles and feet. A stone of purification, cleansing the emotional body of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger or feelings of unworthiness. a premier talisman of protection, a psychic shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, entities, or destructive forces. It guards against radiation and environmental pollutants, and is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy. It diminishes fear and may be useful in treating paranoia. Black Tourmaline is a stone of purification, cleansing the emotional body of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger or feelings of unworthiness. It helps in overcoming substance abuse, and releases any suicidal thoughts or self-harming tendencies. It may be beneficial in treating obsessive or compulsive behaviors, and in relinquishing chronic worry.