What happens when the Solar Plexus – 3rd Chakra is imbalanced?
Like any chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra has the power to make you feel emotionally and physically destabilized.
Physical Issues: Eating disorders, digestive, muscle issues, chronic fatigue, hypertension, stomach disorders, Liver organ issues. Ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, constipation, nervousness, toxicity, parasites, colitis, poor memory.
Emotionally, this chakra is connected to our feelings of self-worth, and even more specifically, our confidence. We become self-doubting, indecisive, powerless.
Weak: Lack of energy, weak will, easily manipulated, low self-esteem, blames others, unreliable and passive.
Excessive: Weak borders, demanding, jealously, ‘I sacrifice too much’ mentality, excessively critical, stubborn, anger, and aggression.
Introducing My Holistic Helper II - Selenite Sticks.
Put in your pocket, or purse. Place next to your computer, on your desk. Helpers go perfect in your backpack or briefcase. In the car. Our My Holistic Helpers are just the thing! Calming, relaxing, soothing, to the touch. Feel the energy from the stones.
Perfect Palm sized! Discrete for in-your-hand during meditation, or when you just need some extra support.
~~ Natural Stones and Crystals ~~
The stones used are natural from countries all over the Earth. Each are carefully chosen for uniqueness and energy properties.
Description: Yellow Tiger Eye, Pyrite, Tiger Eye, Mookaite, Yellow Agate, Citrine, Amber Chip, Copper, Selenite.
Commonly believed holistic properties:
Tiger Eye- Draw on Tiger’s Eye to boost will power, emotional stability and energy levels when working through lifestyle changes and health improvement routines. It brings focus and stability, enabling one to make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion.
Pyrite- A unique protector, drawing energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the aura creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack, and physical harm.
Mookaite- A calm and stable mind allows us to examine and release negative energies and helps us to get in tune with our inner confidence. Spiritually speaking, mookaite stimulates the second chakra (sacral), which helps to boost intuition. A rare stone, it is only found in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia in the outcroppings of Mooka creek.
Yellow Agate- Yellow Agate has all the property of Agate, with the additional properties of the color yellow, which include increased willpower, concentration, memory, and logic. Use Yellow Agate on the Solar Plexus chakra to help you gain more self-confidence as well as the ability to learn from your past mistakes.
Citrine- Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action.
Amber- Amber helps remove the obstacles we place in our own way, as well as deflecting the negative energies of others. Amber heals and supports the emotional body by drawing off the negative energies that steal one’s optimism and drive for life and replaces them with an empowering frequency conducive to positive change.
Copper- Heavy copper coils gather and amplify holistic energy. Wire copper wrap bonds crystals to selenite. Known conductor. Silver and copper are the preferred metals for the uninterrupted flow of holistic energy.
Selenite- Believed to have the ability to charge and recharge a quartz crystal, selenite crystals can themselves be cleansed and recharged by placing them under the light of the Moon. People who are surrounded by negative individuals can use this stone to shield themselves from bad influences. Healers believe that it can help one connect with one's spiritual guides or guardian angels.
A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and dispels negative energy. Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory. Selenite crystal meaning is all about illumination, balance, harmony and peace. It has earned the moniker of “Stone of Reconciliation.”
Selenite is a ‘soft’ stone – DO NOT GET IT WET. It will disintegrate.
The yellow color of the copper wire wrap does not affect the holistic energy binding- it is to help identify it as Solar Plexus Chakra.
These stones were carefully chosen by a Certified Reiki Practitioner to holistically help your self-confidence, esteem, to ward and protect, assist with depression, self-doubt, and boost self-worth and empowerment.
Your new My Holistic Helper will be handmade by a Certified Reiki Practitioner. It will be Cleansed, Earth Grounded, and Meditation Charged.
It will arrive wrapped in gift tissue, in a nice little organza bag with a description of the metaphysical properties of the crystals. Included will be instructions for care and recharging. (Gift Ready!)
Each Selenite Stick Helper is perfect for holding in your palm - approximately 0.5 x 2.5 x 0.75 inches. This is for one helper stick.
Quality, heavier copper wire surrounds a natural cut stick of selenite binding the crystal beads. Coils of the copper wire gather and amplify holistic energy. Since this is a real, natural product, the sizes of the selenite and look of the crystals vary a little.
Silver and Copper are the preferred metals for the uninterrupted flow of holistic energy.
This piece is part of our My Holistic Helper II - Selenite Stick series. There are many more- see photos. Each sold individually or in sets.
Made with Love and Thoughtful Purpose.