What happens when the first chakra is imbalanced?
Physical Imbalances: Anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, depression. Intestinal disorders, anal, bone, tooth, feet, legs, knees, butt and the base of the spine. Frequent colds / flu and cold hands and feet.
Weak: Underweight, fear and anxiety, diminished discipline, financial problems, chronic disorganization, a sense of being disconnected from your body.
Excessive: Obesity, greed, obsessions, laziness, lack-of-caring attitude, rigid limits, fear of change.
Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the 1st chakra in your body located at the base of the spine. It provides the foundation on which we build life and it represents safety, stability, comfort and security. Root Chakra is the foundation of our entire system on which the other chakras sit and it is the place where the Kundalini (the life force) sleeps, waiting to be liberated and give you the power to go into the material world. Your Root Chakra has a deepest connection to animal nature of your physical body and Earth. If you do not balance this chakra before you progress to others, your growth will lack the stability necessary for true growth.
Introducing My Holistic Helper II - Selenite Sticks.
Put in your pocket, or purse. Place next to your computer, on your desk. Helpers go perfect in your backpack or briefcase. In the car. Our My Holistic Helpers are just the thing! Calming, relaxing, soothing, to the touch. Feel the energy from the stones.
Perfect Palm sized! Discrete for in-your-hand during meditation, or when you just need some extra support.
~~ Natural Stones and Crystals ~~
The stones used are natural from countries all over the Earth. Each are carefully chosen for uniqueness and energy properties.
Description: Black Lava, Hematite Ring, Africian Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Red Jasper, Obsidian, Hematite Ring, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Copper, Selenite.
The red color of the copper wire wrap does not affect the holistic energy binding- it is to help identify it as Root Chakra.
These stones were carefully chosen by a Certified Reiki Practitioner to holistically help your self-confidence, esteem, to ward and protect, assist with depression, self-doubt, and boost self-worth and empowerment.
Your new My Holistic Helper will be handmade by a Certified Reiki Practitioner. It will be Cleansed, Earth Grounded, and Meditation Charged.
It will arrive wrapped in gift tissue, in a nice little organza bag with a description of the metaphysical properties of the crystals. Included will be instructions for care and recharging. (Gift Ready!)
Each Selenite Stick Helper is approximately 0.5 x 2.5 x 0.75 inches. This is for one helper stick.
Quality, heavier copper wire surrounds a natural cut stick of selenite binding the crystal beads. Coils of the copper wire gather and amplify holistic energy. Since this is a real, natural product, the sizes of the selenite and look of the crystals vary a little.
Silver and Copper are the preferred metals for the uninterrupted flow of holistic energy.
This piece is part of our My Holistic Helper II - Selenite Stick series. There are many more- see photos. Each sold individually or in sets.
Made with Love and Thoughtful Purpose.